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"If we had dared to continue to be original in thinking and actions, instead of borrowers and followers as we now are, we would have been in a better position to bequeath a lasting legacy and a solid foundation to our children."

— Nneoha Ngozi Onyioha

"The true definition of Civilization is not technological know-how or economic opulence but when two people can see eye to eye, tolerate each other and defend to death the right of the other to survive. Therein lies the true definition of civilized behavior"    — Ahanyi K.O.K Onyioha

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"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. - "Strength to Love,"— Martin Luther King Jr.



Since the advent of organized religion, there has been traffic in the spiritual emancipation of humanity. The plight of the suffering has been used in the establishment of religious zealotry, which capitalizes on man’s desire to block the impact of their everyday suffering with the promise of a better after life. To that end, we have witnessed the extent that people will go to fulfill their spiritual freedom from all manner of pain. Some are pushed to all limits of personal sacrifice as the suicidal religious zealots demonstrate in many religions today. Many religions unable to accept the fundamentals of religious “Live and Let Live” pursue a system of cohesion to bring people to accept and uphold their spiritual interpretation of Chineke’s (God’s) will at the expense of worlds most spiritual vulnerable. In order to foster spiritual honesty, compassion and love, Chiism propounds the right of everyone to worship Chineke the way they understand best through free will, which is a natural psychological exercise and part of human evolution. Humanity will be better served when we can experience the joy of heaven here on earth before our spirits experience the heaven conjured up in the images described by our varied cultural interpretations when we enter the next existential plane. Free your mind. ---Dibia Ochuaja Udee Kama Onyioha

Violence or Nonviolence


World Conference on Religion and Peace held in the city of Leuven in 1974.


The issue of violence or nonviolence sparked a heated debate in a commission on human rights and fundamental freedoms. Attending this meeting as a representative of Ghana was Bishop Peter Sarpong, who initiated a series of lively exchanges when he asked whether resistance to oppression was to be considered violence. He was speaking of the oppression suffered by the black peoples of Africa. American and European representatives stated that oppression is wicked but that to resist by means of violence is not the way of the person of religion. Indignant at this, Bishop Sarpong lashed out: "Nonviolence means death to us!"


Silence fell on the room. When he regained composure and resumed his talk, Bishop Sarpong was being closely observed by everyone in the place.


"Who took away Africa? Not only have the black people been robbed of their land, they are now being subjected to racial discrimination. To abolish discrimination and oppression and to win back their lands, the black people have no recourse but violence. Did you call it violence when you fought Nazi Germany? Must Christians deny violence to the black people?"


It is true that peace without justice is no peace; on the other hand, employing violence for the sake of justice constitutes a threat to peace. The pronouncement of Bishop Sarpong and his attitude toward political oppression reveal the gravity of the dilemma we face in connection with peace and violence.

--Nikkyo Niwano



Adinkra Symbols

Adinkra are African visual symbols, originally created by the Akan, that represent concepts or aphorisms. The Akan are the largest ethnic group in both Ghana and the Ivory Coast. Akan culture can also be found in the Americas, where a number of Akans were taken as captives. Abbout ten percent of all slave ships from the Gold Coast contained Akan people. 

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